The most important things on this world we have are people we care about and people that care about us. One category that is more dependent of all and that mostly rely on us, well at least for certain period, are our children. They are our biggest joy and they are definitely those ones that bring the nicest emotions into our life but are also the ones that call for our greatest attention and consideration at all times. If you happen to have children then you know very well what we are talking about.
Children are little people headed toward maturity; however the road they take and undergoes is full of new notions and various surprises hat they are eager to discover and learn about. Great thing about children is their spirit, careless attitude and absolute courage. Children aren’t afraid of anything; and while this is exactly what makes their age precious one it is also the quality that quit often may place them in extremely dangerous situations.
One place in your home that should definitely be off limits for your children is your garage and your garage door. If you have turned your garage, into little indoor playground for your children then you should make sure your garage door remain closed at all times and garage door remote controls remain out of your children’s reach. Children are not evil by nature, but they are extremely curious and they wish to pull their heads through every window, push all the buttons they see, touch all the items they spot on the floor and so on. It is almost unnecessary to say how amazed they get when see these huge surfaces side up and down just by the click of a button. For them each time you move your garage door you put amazing show for them with amazing visual and audio effects. We adults quite often fail to see it this way but imagine just how garage door may seem to a small child?!
Keep children away from the door, openers and garage door remotes
Garage door are heavy so every kind of uncontrolled sliding may have tremendous consequences for the individual under the door or even just standing close to the door. Garage door could literally kill a grown up and let alone small child.